Sunday, February 8, 2009


I fathomed a whole spiel on my drive home from Riverside and now I don't care to express any of it, though I should.

I cried on the way home from saying good-bye to Matthew. I think we all did. I drove the majority of the drive with my windows down. The cold was refreshing for once, almost calming, until I started shivering so badly I could hardly sit. My jaw aches from clenching my teeth so tightly. Sadly, it was the only thing that kept me focused though. Unfortunate. The silence in the car was unbearable, and the radio noise was harsh. I did hear two decent songs on my venture home. Now, I can't remember the lyrics to the one. Epic failure. My delightful evening ended in a bittersweet fashion.

I find the rain to be ironic. I really am hoping that it's gone by the time I wake in the morning.

This is pitiful. The ramblings in my head were far better.

I don't even care. I hope I remember to print my homework in the morning. Ugh.

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