Monday, February 23, 2009

If you wanna go and take a ride with me...

Oh man. I never realized how much I love Cul kids. We stayed after class helping Kenisha with her cinnamon rolls and we all just kinda busted out in ridiculous ninty's songs. Hey! Must be da monayyy.

Yeah that's right. Haha. :]

Today the sun was shining [for the majority of the day] and that was pleasant. The sun makes me happy. I felt better today. I could breathe. I smiled. I was social. I was sunny with a high of 75. [thank you RK!] It was refreshing. I felt like me. Maybe I can take the band-aids off.

I rode to school with Dev. We talked about how we shouldn't go towards the dark dreary direction, because honestly, who wants to save the princess? There are usually dragons residing over there. We have bizarre conversations, and the great part is we are completely sober. I love it. :] I never realized how close I was with him. I actually told him my stupid story. I've told about four people, cuz it makes me cry. And I almost cried, but totally didn't. I think it was because I had Taco Bell, and that makes me feel better too.

I had a quick wifey with Jaylene today. :] Alisa joined us. Haha. It was delightful. I miss Jay. She had to go to class. Sadness. Alisa and I wandered about RCC, cuz we'd never been on it really. Then we went to the Tyler mall. It was lame and fun? Haha. Go figure.

Baking was boring. Chef Bobby talks. A lot. But he's kinda funny, so it's all good. Then Melissa did the muffin demo, and messed them up. Honestly, how do MUFFINS end up tasting like Corn Bread? Reallyyyyyyyyyy.

I dunno. That about sums it up. :D Smile kids. It's almost Tuesday.

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