Saturday, November 21, 2009

Once you stop believing,

What actually keeps you from letting go indefinitely?

Is it something worth fighting for? Or is it the same argument over and over?

Is it knowing you can't be happy? Or is it knowing that the potential for that happiness is just around the corner?

This is something I do not want to lose my faith in. I need to get this idea out of my head, out of my heart. I can't sabotage myself because I know it'll be a decision that I deeply regret.

Yet, I am thinking about it. =/

Definately some over-analyzing. It'll all be okay in the morning... It always is.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Randon side note;

I'm sitting in my mother's third grade class room & just did some photos of her kidlettes. My mom isn't even here, as she had to go to some meeting.

The kids don't seem to like the sub, he can't quite get them to be quiet, while I on the other hand told them it was far too loud & they immediately shushed. Well, they whispered, "That's Mrs. Sanchez's daughter" about a billion times.

Kids are hilarious.

Soon, I'll be off to work to take more photos of kids. :]

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Insane or a Genious?

Lovelife - Atmosphere.

Individually wrapped, placed in neat little rows
Becoming A piece, of everything that grows
Some numbers, A name, to indicate you played the game
Came empty handed and left the same
A soul is A soul and A shell is A shell
The border in between is full of everything you felt
Some cling to A cross because they're tired and lost
They leave it up to the weather to measure the cost
And everytime I look within I recognize the darkness
Familiar to the image of the artist
Staring at the bathroom mirror in A strangers apartment
Can't remember her name, don't remember how I got here
But here I am, thinking about death again
Humbles out the stress, helps the breath get in
I need to check my friends as well as my next of kin
To let them know I love them all to the end
And when the soul begins to reap, I think she'll know me from the sleep
I keep caught in the corner of my bloodshot eyes
And if she has the nerve, to let me dump a couple last words
I'm gonna turn to the earth and scream "Love your life!"
Love your life, quite cliche but I guess thats me
A ball of pop culture with some arms and feet
As discrete as I've tried to keep the drama and cancer
It's no secret I hunger for someone to feed the answers
I never expected a bowl of cherries
I'm just a virgo trying to find my own version of the virgin mary
And when I let them carry me to a cemetary
I wanna be buried with a pocket full of clarity

Now, how many times must you prove you're an angel
How many more demons do you have to strangle
How much longer must you remain in this dream
Before I finally figure out if you're insane or a genius

How many times must you prove you're an angel
How many more demons do you have to strangle
How much longer must you remain in this dream
Before I finally figure out if you're insane or a genius

Let no tears to fall from none of y'all
Just remember it all, the beauty as well as the flaws
Here lies Sean, finally free
And as I look across the sea I smile at the sun
While it feeds the weeds the nutrition they need
The people still breathe, the city still bleeds
I'm going to love it to death and keep planting my seeds
I'm going to love it to death and keep an eye on the seeds
I'll be in love till im dead, I keep reaching the seeds
I'll give all I got left just to teach you to read
Love life to the death and keep planting my seeds
And when the soul begins to reap, I think she'll know me from the sleep
I keep caught in the corner of my bloodshot eyes
And if she has the nerve, to let me dump a couple last words
I'm gonna turn to the earth and scream (Love your life)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Don't Lose This. Seriously.

The night before Halloween, I was trifling through my mother's jewelry box to find some additional decorations for my buccaneer attire. My attempts to find some gaudy gemstones were in vain, due to the fact that my fingers are far too small for my mother's jewelry. However, we did manage to find a couple of old rings, that were my mother's before she had "grown up hands".

One ring was a simple, thin gold band with a dark red ruby. The other was a thinker gold band, with a layer of white gold, that was pressed and had a very interesting pattern on it. It was reflective, and simple and very elegant.

Delighted I had found rings that fit on my size four fingers, I asked my mother if she was alright with me taking them as adornment for my costume.
Her response was yes, but as she examined the rings on my hand, she said I had better not lose the fat-banded ring on my left hand. As it so happened, the ring on my hand was my grandmother's original wedding band; The one she wore when she was nineteen.
She then continued to tell me that my grandfather would upgrade her wedding ring every time he had the money saved up. Her other wedding rings are beautiful, gold, covered with three rows of diamonds, but this one is special. It's not "blinged", as my 63-year-old grandma would say. It's simple. It's dainty. It was their first bond of love.

This whole "love" thing is quite the experience. I'm enjoying the ride, and I do hope my boyfriend is as well. It's proven to be an adventure worth taking thus far, and I cannot wait to see where and how far it takes us.

Finding this ring has allowed me to really get a grasp on that. Rich, poor, somewhere in between, love will help you get through. This ring is plain. There are no diamonds, no gems at all. But it still shines after forty-some odd years of marriage.

One day I hope I have a ring similar, that my granddaughter will find with trifling through her mum's jewelry.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Got Nuthin'.

Literally nothing to say right now.

But my background is pretty. :]

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear Darla,


I like the beach. It never ceases to please me, even at a remarkable ninety-one degrees. It's okay, I forgive you. Haha. Brandon and I had a delightful time yesterday. We went for a couple hours, just for the hell of it. Doing things like that are the best. Just because you can. Definate favourite.

I must say though, that sinus headaches are not okay. I think I might go take a nap. Wonderful!

Hope things are well on your end.

Every thing is perfect here.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

He's Sadistic, He Hit a Cow.

Really, honestly, seriously? I can't even believe this right now. I really, really can't.

I love how I was doing so well, at least briefly. No thoughts of him. No wondering what he was doing, not often anyway... And then, of course, today I was chat-chitting with my old youth pastor on Facebook and even HE knew about us seeing each other. He lives in freaking Oregon.

"I was there last month I saw a bunch of people. Missed you though. I talked to Ben Sisson and he mentioned you were hanging out with Ethan. How's that going?"

ARE YOU FREAKING EVEN KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? Really, honestly, seriously.

I shrugged it off. I told Jess and she was like, "You should tell him you guys are doing freaking awesome!"

I hate my life a little bit. More so specifically him.

I'm stuck in a rut. Especially at home. It is so weird here. I hate it. I want school to be over so I can work full time so I can go to freaking Boston. Really, honestly, seriously.

I've been arguing with Devin a lot lately. I dunno why. We were fine all last semester, and we spent far more time together. Ironic, I think. I told him to keep it up and be mean. His birthday is coming up, so I keep threatening him with gift ideas. Haha. I have a really good one and he will feel bad for being such a jerk-face all the time.

Fail. Fail, fail, fail.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wicked Witch.

Eh. Just some non-sense. Help me think of a Title.

It was just like any other Tuesday. Woke up, got ready for school, ironed my coat. I remember looking longingly at the coffee pot, wishing it was full of that rich liquid, but it remained empty. No matter, there wasn’t time for coffee. The sun was shining and that was pleasant, though it was rather cold. I threw the contents in my arms into the backseat of my car and waited for my car to warm. Though the sun was shining, there had been a vast amount of ice plastered to my car, and the surroundings near by. It was a little out of the ordinary, for I had never seen so much frost in Southern California before, but once my window had defrosted I ventured on.

I had gone to pick up my counterpart at the usual meeting spot. I, of course, was a few minutes late, but neither of us had paid much attention to it. He gathered this belongings and transferred them from his vehicle to mine. We did the usual good morning routine as we rolled toward the freeway. As we were driving, we noticed the field of ice next to us, and I made a note that it was literally freezing outside of my car. My digital thermometer had picked up our surroundings to be a chilled twenty-nine degrees Fahrenheit. We then managed to fathom a scenario where we had somehow woken up in the Artic and there were galloping polar bears chasing baby seals. Of course there were penguins, and we were teaching them how to fly. Like I said, it was just like any other Tuesday.

Upon our arrival to school, everything was the same. Roll-call every time we went from one place to the next. Chef yelling about various things. Laughter, knives chopping herbs and dough mixers scraping flour filled the room. Nothing unusual. Nothing to make a note of. The delight of consistency was almost comforting. The drive home with my companion was the same; We sang off key a portion of the drive home, and then he fell asleep. It makes me chuckle every time.

Work. I change from my grungy chef ensemble to jeans and a t-shirt. It’s decent work attire for an insurance office. Shuffle papers around for a few hours, while Boss makes random references to quesadillas and the army. My co-workers smile and nod. When he’s not looking, I roll my eyes. I go talk to the girl behind the wall about her day while Boss is in the back. We avoided getting in trouble. It was a decent work day.

Everything was right with the world. Mind you, it’s still cold outside, but it wasn’t intolerable. Brisk, some would say. There isn’t a single cloud out and the sun was high in the sky. It was a good day. It actually was a good day. I had gone home to change into something a little nicer. I felt the need to get one of those fancy, over-priced Starbucks after work. Why, I still haven’t a slightest idea. A Grande Carmel Macchiato for nearly four dollars. I handed the girl behind the register my card in exchange for something I wouldn’t be able to enjoy for at least twenty minutes. Saying thank you, I head out the door. The cool air was refreshing after being in that stuffy coffee house. I fumbled for my keys and headed toward the parking lot. Off in the distance, there was something unusual - something one doesn’t normally see on a brisk Tuesday in So*Cal. It was a tornado. I dropped my drink. Panic was racing through my veins. Before there was even a chance to gasp in awe, the tornado had worked it’s way toward me. It was magnificent, destructive and I had fallen a little bit in love with the sheer force it had. I had never seen such brilliance before in my life.

How could this even be possible? An ordinary Tuesday very literally turned upside down. The winds were intense and thick. It was hard to breathe, let alone move. I shut my eyes as it whisked me upward. It was warm and frightfully calming. Screaming didn’t seem help, nor did crying - My eyes had never been pressed together so tight. I was petrified. It seemed to just carry on its path, no mind to what displacement it had caused. Somehow, I was tangled in this mess, relatively unharmed. Shocked, scared, anxious, but unharmed. We had traveled a good distance, the tornado and I, or so it had felt. I managed to get my eyes open long enough to realize I had no idea where we were. Perchance I had been in this vortex of doom too long to know better, but I was certain that this was nowhere near to where we had begun.

The winds had become more intense. It wasn’t the almost comforting feeling, like it had been when I had initially been pulled upward. It was harsh, and bitter now and I was all the more worried. The cyclone had begun tossing me about as if I was nothing more than a rag-doll. it was hard to breathe before but now it had proven to be a nearly impossible task. The crying came back in a fiercer fashion. I felt sick. I traveled a bit farther in this hellish-storm. The winds slowed down enough to fling me downward against the ground. I tried to catch my breath as a embraced the cement. It was outrageously smooth and an awkward emerald colour. I had never seen ground like this before, or I had hit my head far too hard in the process of coming down. Unfortunately, I had no time to have concern for the flooring. Looking up, I realized that the tornado was not finished with me. When I was up in it’s grasp, I seemed to overlook the debris it had picked up. My body ached as I tried to scramble out of the way for what was spiraling down towards me.

A house. A freaking house.

Could this honestly be happening? I covered my face and braced myself for the impact. All I could think about was the Wizard of Oz. Was I the Wicked Witch of the East? Had I done something to offend the Wizard? Shouldn’t I have at least gotten a memo that my run of the mill Tuesday would end up with a house smashing me into oblivion?

I must have blacked out, because I woke up with shards of house surrounding me. More or less of the house had my body trapped, but I had managed to live. I had never struggled for breath so hard in my life. My body ached. How I wished to be the Wicked Witch, for at least she had died! Never had I been so miserable, so hurt, so shocked. From where I was laying I managed to glimpse [or imagine?] outside of the fragments. The tornado was in the distance, almost mocking me with what it had done. It had grown smaller now, and felt no remorse for the displacement for the pain it had caused.

Eventually I was freed from the disaster. If I recall correctly, I heard a few of the voices saying that their rescue vehicle had died and they needed it jump-started. Just my luck. I supposed it didn’t matter, seeing as I made it out in one piece. Never in my life would I have expected a conventional Tuesday to be the most obscene event of my life.

It still hurts to breathe, but every day gets a little easier.

Monday, February 23, 2009

If you wanna go and take a ride with me...

Oh man. I never realized how much I love Cul kids. We stayed after class helping Kenisha with her cinnamon rolls and we all just kinda busted out in ridiculous ninty's songs. Hey! Must be da monayyy.

Yeah that's right. Haha. :]

Today the sun was shining [for the majority of the day] and that was pleasant. The sun makes me happy. I felt better today. I could breathe. I smiled. I was social. I was sunny with a high of 75. [thank you RK!] It was refreshing. I felt like me. Maybe I can take the band-aids off.

I rode to school with Dev. We talked about how we shouldn't go towards the dark dreary direction, because honestly, who wants to save the princess? There are usually dragons residing over there. We have bizarre conversations, and the great part is we are completely sober. I love it. :] I never realized how close I was with him. I actually told him my stupid story. I've told about four people, cuz it makes me cry. And I almost cried, but totally didn't. I think it was because I had Taco Bell, and that makes me feel better too.

I had a quick wifey with Jaylene today. :] Alisa joined us. Haha. It was delightful. I miss Jay. She had to go to class. Sadness. Alisa and I wandered about RCC, cuz we'd never been on it really. Then we went to the Tyler mall. It was lame and fun? Haha. Go figure.

Baking was boring. Chef Bobby talks. A lot. But he's kinda funny, so it's all good. Then Melissa did the muffin demo, and messed them up. Honestly, how do MUFFINS end up tasting like Corn Bread? Reallyyyyyyyyyy.

I dunno. That about sums it up. :D Smile kids. It's almost Tuesday.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I have no idea.


I had a matter of things to discuss, and now I'm terribly tired and can't recall any of them.

I can actually breath better today. The pressure in my chest isn't as bad; I think that is a good sign... Still sucks. Really suckssss.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh, bittersweet irony.

I'm not sure why it always goes downhill
Why broken cisterns never could stay filled
I've spent ten years singing gravity away
But the water keeps on falling from the sky
And here tonight while the stars are blacking out
With every hope and dream I've ever had in doubt
I've spent ten years trying to sing these doubts away

But the water keeps on falling from my eyes
And heaven knows, heaven knows
I tried to find a cure for the pain
Oh my lord! to suffer like you do
It would be a lie to run away
So blood is fire pulsing through our veins
We're either riders or fools behind the reigns
I've spent ten years trying to sing it all away

But the water keeps on falling from my tries
And heaven knows, heaven knows
I tried to find a cure for the pain
Oh my lord! to suffer like you do
It would be a lie to run away
A lie to run, it would be a lie
It would be a lie to run away
It keeps on falling
Water keeps on falling from my eyes
And heaven knows, heaven knows
I tried to find a cure for the pain
Oh my lord! to suffer like you do
It would be a lie to run away

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just to Let You All Know,

My best friend totally owns your best friend in the face.
Even if she is a little skanky.

Just kidding.
I love her more than Taco Tuesday.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I fathomed a whole spiel on my drive home from Riverside and now I don't care to express any of it, though I should.

I cried on the way home from saying good-bye to Matthew. I think we all did. I drove the majority of the drive with my windows down. The cold was refreshing for once, almost calming, until I started shivering so badly I could hardly sit. My jaw aches from clenching my teeth so tightly. Sadly, it was the only thing that kept me focused though. Unfortunate. The silence in the car was unbearable, and the radio noise was harsh. I did hear two decent songs on my venture home. Now, I can't remember the lyrics to the one. Epic failure. My delightful evening ended in a bittersweet fashion.

I find the rain to be ironic. I really am hoping that it's gone by the time I wake in the morning.

This is pitiful. The ramblings in my head were far better.

I don't even care. I hope I remember to print my homework in the morning. Ugh.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Today was the first real day in Arizona. We had arrived here last night after a outrageously long drive. Hah. I'm pretty sure I slept the first half and then spam texted the remainder of the drive.

Anywho, today we had a lovely adventure on Route 66. Went to the Keepers of the Wild... That was neat. Didn't expect it to be; I was actually really skeptical of it when we pulled up. I mean, it was two mobile homes on a patch of dirt nestled between a couple of rock formations. Woo, right? The lady in the first mobile was kinda pushy, and there were random overly priced souvenirs everywhere. We paid what was asked, they handed us some maps and gave us some lime-green wrist bands, and we were on our way.

Immediately we saw tigers. OMG right? Yeah. But it's not that we just saw them, we were like seven feet away from them. It was astounding. They had quite a few animals that they had rescued. It was really cool. The white Bengial Tiger was my favourite. His name was Sebastion. I wanted to pet him. Haha. I took about two-hundered and fifty photos, at least.

After we finished our tour of the wild life preserve [there were more than just tigers - Lions, Monkeys, Wolfs, ect] we got back on Route 66 and drove even more. Haha. We did drive though Peach Springs, which was the model for the movie Cars. That was neat, seeing as Disney totally copied this town to almost a tee. We eventually ended up at teh Grand Canyon Caverns [which, was about a two-hour drive short of the Grand Canyon]. We pulled up to this weird motel thing and then followed some old-fashioned signs for another mile until we reached some Curio shop. It was nearly deserted and there were more overly priced gifts. Hah.

We waited around for the tour to start and then the man summoned us to the elevator that would take us to the caverns. It was so bizarre, taking a journey in an elevator to the center of the earth. Well, not the center persay, but twenty-one stories down. It was nuts! It was so pretty, being surrounded by all this crystal and formations. It was so huge in there, it was kinda crazy. Just imagining how so much exsists outside of the normal eye-line. Very cool.

I am so tired. This time change totally messed me up. Or maybe I just don't get enough sleep. Either or.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Truth be told I am lying.

Hmm, what is the purpose of a lie? To cover up what you don't want others to know. Could it be mistaken as a secret, because in essence, it's the same. Just something to chew on I suppose.

I'm going to Arizona tomorrow. For about four days. Four very long days. I mean, I am excited, more or less, but come on. Menifee is bigger than Kingman. Pathetic. It's going to be such a fun drive. Six hours in my father's F-150. Joyous.

No, I am pretty stoked. I get to catch up on my sleep, hopefully. Do some homework, in theory. We're going cave exploring and supposedly going to some Wild-Animal Park. I had no idea Arizona contained such wonders. Haha....

I'd also like to reitterate the fact that I detest iTunes. Just throwing it out there. Again. I plugged in my father's iPod to charge it and add a few more songs, but no. Instead, I got to spend the last three hours importing the SAME CD's from the previous evening because iTunes felt the need to remove them from the Shuffle. WTHell? Yeah. [I had deleted the originals from my desk-top, but still, it's NEVER done that before] I'm annoyed to say the least.

Moving on. A spider bit my face. It hurts, it's bruised and pretty swollen. I don't appreciate spiders either. Haha.

I just realized how awful I sound, whining about things. I'm really not so whiney, it's just been a strenuous week...

On a positive note, I ran two miles today. That was exciting. And I made some tasty hard rolls. Go me. I think tomorrow I shall do my Consumme, granted I have enough time.

We went to Disneyland last night... It was, uh, interesting. No comment.

I think I'm done fiddling with iTunes for the night. That's as good as it's gonna get... Plus I woke up at FIVE this morning to go to freaking Denny's for the free breakfast. So much for that. Haha. It was quasi-refreshing to be up that early in the night, yes, night. If it's dark out, it is not the morning! But Marci, Arlene, Devin and I had a nice breakfast at Carl's Jr, which was across the street from the second Denny's we had gone to. It pleased me that we all ended up ordering lunch food at about six in the morning. I love thos kids.

I should probably put my stuff out so my mum can put it in the suitcase. Wow, I almost put "sootcase". I need to go to sleep.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Beginning.

Here's to the first blog of the year I suppose.

I seem to be on an All-American Reject high. I find it better than a drug [not that I'm able to really reference], but you know what I mean. Just sitting and enjoying decent music in a world that's not always so decent.

I think it's safe to say I'm tired, so forgive me if this blog isn't all that coherent.

I've discovered that I am good at over-analyzing a situation. I have no reason to. I warned myself not to get my hopes up, in efforts of being let down... So much for that. Though it may be to early to actually call it, but I am almost positive that yet again, history will repeat itself. Unfortunate. Very, very unfortunate.

I'm perplexed as to why I cannot gain access to G-Mail on FireFox. I detest using IE, but I suppose one does what they have to when they need to use their email. Pathetic.

I'm going to bed. Oh, and along with detesting Internet Explorer, I have discovered that I loathe iTunes and it's lack of cooperation. Yeah, that's right.

Good night.